Supporting Good Behavior Before, During, and After Your Child’s Dental Appointment

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Many parents worry about their children misbehaving in the waiting lobby of the dental office. If you’re worried about your child’s conduct, try using the following suggestions to support good behavior before, during, and after your child’s dental visit.


Getting a full night’s sleep can change your child’s dental visit from miserable to wonderful. Ensure your child gets a full night’s sleep — and a nap if the appointment is later in the day — before their dental visit. Also, try bringing their favorite items or toys. A favorite comfort item or toy nearby can help your child realize that dentist’s office visits can be enjoyable and comfortable.

Before you head to our office, feed your child a light, healthy treat like grapes or carrots. A light treat can make dental visits a whole lot easier for you and your child. If your child has never visited the dentist before, or if they don’t understand why going to the dentist regularly is important, try explaining why dental appointments are crucial for keeping their teeth and gums clean and healthy. Understanding the why of dental appointments can help children relieve stress that leads to poor behavior.


Provide your child with a book to focus on or items to fidget with in the waiting area. A toy, a video game, or even homework can sidetrack your child while they wait to see the dentist. Also, remain calm and close to your child at the office. If your child is restless, try walking around together while you wait.


Immediately after your appointment, acknowledge your child’s good behavior. Acknowledgement is a fantastic motivator, so if your child showed good behavior during their visit, then acknowledge it! Remember to remind them about their proper behavior before their upcoming appointments.

Is it time for your child to visit Dr. Jeffrey Erickson again? Call our El Paso, Texas, office, Texas Kids Dental, and schedule an appointment with us at 915-858-6868 now. Our team is looking forward to your visit!