Be Sure to Bring Your Child into Our Pediatric Office

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Even if there may be some apprehension when you take them for their first dental appointment, be sure to bring them into Dr. Jeffrey Erickson’s office where we specialize in providing a professional and comfortable pediatric experience for your child. Your child’s first dental exam is vital by the time they reach age 1, so it’s very important to prevent decay and cavities by bringing them in. Studies have shown children can get their first cavity by the age of 2 if their oral health care is not examined.

When you bring your child to your pediatrician’s office, some important topics to discuss include:

– Factors relating to the risk of cavities such as diet and hygiene practices
– Review your child’s medical history
– Proper dental care for their mouth
– Using fluoride daily
– Preventing accidents to the face or mouth
– Important milestones in their dental development
– Stopping bad oral habits (such as thumb sucking)

When taking your child to your pediatrician’s dental clinic, there are many things you can count on from our team. We specialize in developing healthier teeth by cooperating with your child’s mouth size by using smaller, adjusted dental equipment. Specifically designed for their comfortability and creating a less intimidating experience, this equipment provides the comfort and transition from a scary experience to one your child can enjoy.

Texas Kids Dental here in El Paso, Texas, wants to provide the oral care your child needs to have a lifetime of good dental health. This preventative care will give them a better chance of fighting against dental dangers. Give Dr. Jeffrey Erickson a call at 915-858-6868 to schedule your child’s next appointment today!